When I got older and moved away, my grandmother was the one who would ask about my work and my love life, every time I came back to visit her. She was the one who would make sure that I was well fed, and got a chicken drumstick for every meal that I had with her. [In the Chinese culture, a chicken drumstick is considered the best part of the chicken, reserved for the child

Recently, my grandmother hasn't been feeling so well. So, today, I blocked off my schedule, and took a 3+ hour car ride just to see her. It hurt to see my granny sleeping in her bed, looking weak and sick. But I was glad to see her, because I wanted to thank her for all the chicken drumsticks that she had saved for me, and so lovingly served me, year after year. I only got to talk to granny for a short time today, but I'm thankful that I got to thank her for her love, encourage her with God's promise of eternal life when we believe in Him, and show her that I loved her too.
Granny, I hope you feel better!
Love challenge: Go out of your way to sincerely thank someone for something they have done.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."
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