It's been pouring rain in HK lately, which is fine for me, because I love the rain. But for those who hate carrying umbrellas around, they won't like HK much in this season. I ran into one of these no-umbrella-for-me type friends after service yesterday. He was standing in the rain, looking forlorn (in the rain, we all do!) So I went up to him (scared him a little bit though), and shared my umbrella with him, as we strolled over to the nearest subway stop.
We chatted about everything from our summers, to the differences between the Christian and Islam faith. It was the best 15 minute conversation that I've had in a long time, and it's all because of the rain! In retrospect, this incident reminds me to take hold of every opportunity, even little opportunities, to show love, because you never know how God will use it show you something and to bless others!
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