Some people say that the most precious thing on earth are diamonds. Other people say it's gold. I think it's time! We only get 24 hours of it in a day, and only 60 minutes in one hour. If there was a genie that could grant me 3 wishes, I would definitely want one of them to be to double the amount of time we get in one day!
This week, I continue to be super swamped at work, and with the recent events that have occurred, it seems as if the things I have to deal with just keeps growing... exponentially. And yet, today, I just felt like I should give time to people.
So, rather than surrey back to the office to work on some analysis in excel, I took the time to have a long lunch to get to know one of my clients better, which was really refreshing, because most of us business people just defaulting to mere small talk or zeroing in on business deals. I also left work early to accompany my parents to run errands and to drive them home.
Although I'm starting to get a little dizzy thinking about all the work that awaits me at the office tomorrow, yet I know that the time I spent today was not wasted. I trust that relationships were built, and that people were loved. Besides, the work will always be there...
Love challenge: Reconsider where your priorities lie; work will always remain here on earth, but relationships will carry over into eternity.
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