I'm blessed to be part of one of the best communities in the world, Island ECC. I'm probably biased when I say that, but eh. :) I'm so appreciative of the leadership, and am so inspired by the excellence that they pursue in everything that they do, from the big things, to the tiny details.
Recently, we studied 1 Tim 5, where I came across a verse that made me question if I had given the elders at my church the thanks and respect that they are due for all that they do for us, behind-the-scenes, selflessly. Unfortunately, I don't know any of the elders well, and thought it best not to stalk them, so I decided to just email all of them, to say thanks. :)
Love challenge: Say thanks and give an encouragement to someone (or a group of people) even if you don't know them well!
"The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching."
Post script: Some elders replied to say thanks for my encouragement! Aw, ECC elders rock! :)
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