You'll all soon get to know me as the queen of procrastination anyway, so I might as well own up to it.
Hence this summary of the last 3 days of 365.
It's been a great weekend of surprises, catchups, celebrations, and hangouts.
Have been also thinking how relationships can be more complicated the deeper it gets.
I think back on simpler times and sometimes naively wish for the 'good old days'. But at the same time I KNOW that the past just seems sweeter. Or maybe I just didn't allow myself to invest in other people so much as I do now. Because being open and vulnerable means you will get hurt, but you'll also be given opportunities to love so much more. More than you ever thought you could. Love that only comes from God. I trust that through 365, God will stretch my heart in ways unimaginable and I wouldn't have it any other way.
An awesome sister gave me this verse to meditate on.
For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. -Philippians 2:13
So we're always given a choice.
A choice to be selfish or selfless.
A choice to love ourselves or others.
A choice to be comfortable or step out of our comfort zone.
A choice to do what is pleasing in his eyes.
Another moment also stuck with me these last few days.
Playing scrabble with some awesome people, the word J-O-Y was spelled.
One friend mentioned J for Jesus, O for others, and Y for yourself.
But so often people have it backwards. Y-O-J.
So today, I choose J.O.Y.
What will you choose?
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